Equilibrium Craniosacral - a biodynamic approach

Craniosacral Training

Everywhere in nature, life expresses itself in reoccurring patterns of health and vitality. All trees reach for the sun with their leaves and branches to gain the nourishment they need. In each form of life, there is a pattern that carries the unique signature of its vitality, the life within and behind the form. Human beings have very subtle and refined patterns of vitality that flow within them.

Equilibrium Craniosacral Biodynamics

Equilibrium Craniosacral Bidynamics is a gentle and yet profound healing systems for the human being. At its depth, it works with the subtle currents of life energy within us, and how they manifest themselves in the fluids and tissues of the body. With the client lying down on a massage table, the practitioner uses a very delicate touch to perceive the flow of these life forces within the body, carried within the subtle flow of the liquids and in the tissues. With training and practice, the different levels and manifestations of this Primary Respiration System can be felt, flowing like the waves and tides of the ocean.

The Breath of Life

The cerebrospinal fluid ("liquor") has a healing quality. It protects and nourishes the central nervous system. The subtle motion of this fluid can be perceived in all the tissues of the body. It is similar to a gentle inhalation and exhalation; hence it is called the Breath of Life; it is the Primary Respiratory System of the body, subtler and deeper than our breath. It carries a sparkle of the life force within it.

The body heals itself

Listening from a quiet space to this manifestation with his hands, the practitioner supports the system to find its natural balance. This is both very relaxing and at the same time stimulates the healing forces of the body that are always there. We simply assist the Primary Respiration to find a new balance between its healthy resources and any restrictions that are held in the tissues of the body. In this way, the body can heal itself, and the potency of the fluids can permeate all the cells and organs once again. The practitioner learns to support the PR system through the hands, as well as verbally guiding the client to create more space and new states of balance.

What type of conditions benefit the most from the Craniosacral work?

Equilibrium Craniosacral, in working with the deepest core of the body, treating a wide variety of conditions and symptoms, such as headaches, migraines, chronic back and neck pain, hormonal imbalances, stress, sleeping disorders, birth traumas, PMS and posttraumatic stress disorders. It also seems to be particularly effective in supporting the healing process of chronic illness conditions.

The Training

In the Biodynamic Craniosacral Training, we learn to work in a holistic way with people; the whole body-mind is included in our approach, allowing the individuals we work with to fully blossom in all dimensions of health and well-being.

The background of our approach reaches back to the beginning of the 1900’s when Dr. W. Sutherland, an osteopath and pioneer in the cranio field, first developed and applied it clinically. Since then, many skilled practitioners have both deepened and shared their exploration and experience, refining one of the most delicate of all healing arts to an exquisite level. The training is based on the studies and the work of Dr. R. Becker, Dr. J. Jealous, F. Sills, M. Shea and Bhadrena Tschumi and Kavi Gemin.

Who is this training for? What is the content?

Our course is open to body workers, therapists and healing professionals, or indeed anyone who would simply like to enter into a deeper experience of themselves. The training is based both on the anatomy and physiology as well the embriology of the primary respiration system, and on the gradual accumulation of experience of the many manifestations of the PR system as we practice the various approaches and principles presented.

The topics of the course include understanding and perceiving the Primary Respiration as an expression of the Breath of Life; the mobility and motility of the fluids and tissues in the body with the membranes in the cranium and around the spinal cord; and practical ways of centering and verbal communication with our patients in relation to the resolution of trauma.

Learning through experience

The seminars are built on developing perceptual and palpatory skills, taught in an easy way through theory and practice sessions. The session exchanges give each participant first-hand experience of the work on themselves as well as feedback from their partners and from the assisting staff in the training. Any inner process we enter into through the sessions is supported through introspection and meditation. Between seminars, students will practice and study in depth the material presented.

The training consists of 7-8 seminars, each 5-7 days and is taught over a period of approximately two years with time between each seminar for practice and home study. At the end of the training there is a certification process to become a biodynamic craniosacral practitioner. The seminars build on each other and need to be attended in sequence. They can be booked individually or as a whole.

Craniosacral Training

The Breath of Life concept - A training based on the perception of the fluids and resources of the Primary Respiration in the Craniosacral System.


Craniosacral Training

Introductionary Workshop craniosacral biodynamics

In this weekend workshop, we will explore the basics of the Primary Respiration System through theory and practice. This workshop is particularly for people new to the biodynamic craniosacral field, so that they can become aquatinted with this unique healing art. After introducing some specific anatomy and look at the basic concepts, we will learn how to connect with the Primary Respiration System and listen to its subtle expression in the fluids and tissues of the body with our hands, from a quiet place within ourselves.

Seminar 1

Introduction to the Primary Respiration System and the principles of the Breath of Life concept

In our first contact with the Primary Respiration System, we will get acquainted with the concepts of Dr. William Sutherland, the originator of this approach. He called the life force he perceived the ”Breath of Life”, and we will learn and practice the perceptual skills to listen to the manifestations of the primary respiration system. When we are centered in ourselves, we are able to perceive this tide-like fluctuation in the fluids and tissues of the body, and its resources of health within.

Seminar 1 is oriented to the state of the practitioner and the development of the perception. We are orienting to the perception Health in the Primary Respiration System and to the underlying forces of the dynamic stillness.

Seminar 2

The neutral of the fluid body and the midline

While listening to the Primary Respiration System (PRS) and its manifestations on the level of the fluid-tide, we are orienting towards the neutral of the fluid body and we learn to support the system to settle and express its vitality as a unity. Then we look at the development of the embryo in the first weeks and the relation of this embryonal forces with the arising of the midline as an orienting and organizing fulcrum. We continue working with the functional and structural relationship of the bones of the neuro-cranium and the reciprocal tension membrane and perceiving the expression of Primary Respiration as mobility and motility in these structures.

Seminar 3

The Craniosacral Core System and Whole Body Connections

In this seminar we will focus more on the midline structures of the human body, the spine, the cranial base and the dural tube, their embryological origins and their dynamics. The whole body connections will become evident when we are working with the horizontal layers of fascia in the body as well as with the relation sacrum-occiput. In this regard we are learning about the healing approach on the level of the fluid body, which is the State of Balance, using the 3 steps of Dr. Becker for the resolution of inertial forces. We will also have a look at the basic function of the autonomous nervous system and its self-regulation. And we start to perceive different levels of stillness and beginning to orient to the inherent treatment plan.

Seminar 4

The Cranial Base and its dynamics as whole body reflection

Here we will learn about the classical dynamics of the bone structure of the cranial base, including the synchondrosis spheno-basilaris (SSB), a natural fulcrum of the midline for the cranium. We perceive the relationship of occiput, sphenoid and the temporal bones and how they interconnect with the sacrum and the temporo-mandibular joint (TMJ). We will also look at the relationship between the pelvis and sacrum and the whole cranial base. And we will understand the function of the venous sinus system and its drainage and will deepen our understanding for the inherent treatment plan.

Seminar 5

The Viscerocranium and the interaction with the world, the CNS and the ventricles

In seminar 5 we are learning how to interact with the stomatognathic system and the viscerocranium and the bones of face and hard-palate in order to resolve inertial forces held within these structures and how to support a new balance. Then we are perceiving the motility of the central nervous system and of the ventricles and this will allow us to start to orient to the wider field of the long tide of the Primary Respiration.

The understanding of the unfolding of the inherent treatment plan will deepen.

Seminar 6

The Field of the Long Tide

During seminar 6 we orient to the field of the Long Tide and the processes of ignition and permeation. Our understanding of the integration of craniosacral biodynamics with the functions of the nervous system is broaden and we deepen our skills in comunication in craniosacral biodynamics. And we are supporting the tide as an antidote to trauma.

And we are coming back to the original "Breath of Life" concept and how it is interwoven with the universal life forces and expressed in the inherent treatment plan.

Seminar 7 (7/8)

The Tide of the living forces

We are deepening the understanding of the action of the Tide in the field and the interaction with the different levels of perception and zones as well as the interaction between potency, fluids and tissues.

Reviewing the principles of craniosacral biodynamics and preparation for the exam and the written work.

Seminar 8 (7/8)

Integration and conclusion

We are looking at the coherency and continuity of the inherent treatment plan as evaluation and treatment in the biodynamic craniosacral approach. This is strengthening the skills and competences of the practitioner.

Conclusion and certification of the training is in seminar 8 with exams and feedback sessions and the presentation of a written work.

Craniosacral Training

Advanced course

The Breath of Life of the Heart

In this postgraduate course we are going to apply the biodynamic principles to work with the embryonic fulcrum of the heart and explore the stillness at the center of it.

We will explore the embryonic development of the heart and how we are now in contact with its quality of receptivity, resonance and compassion. This is all happening in a field of a deep and vast stillness Out of that stillness movement is arising and we are orienting to the phase of continuous expansion through the zones of perception.

In the center of the fulcrum of the heart we have access to the deep silence in us and around us.

Course topics:

  • how to support and deepen our craniosacral biodynamic skills
  • listening to the expression of Health through the Primary Respiration in relation to the Heartfulcrum
  • learning tools to be at the service of the fulcrum of the heart
  • understanding the anatomy and physiology of the heart during the development of the embryo
  • experiment the resonance and synchronization with the heart
  • self-regulation of the ANS in relation to the heart
  • exploring the stillness in the center of the fulcrum of the heart and in the space around
  • practicing resonance in triads working with the heart field
  • learning to synchronise with the prolongued phase of expansion through the zones of perception
  • listening to the rhythms of the heart
  • neuro-affective touch
  • approaches for working in biodynamic craniosacral practice (perception and therapeutic application tools with handpositions)
Advanced Craniosacral Training

Sessions and Supervision


Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy

  • In an individual session of Craniosacral Therapy (Craniosacral Balancing®), we support the self-healing and self-regulating forces in the body to find a new balance.
  • This method is recognized by RME, ASCA, EGK (Health Insurance) and reimbursed through the complementary insurance.

Somatic Experiencing® Trauma Resolution

  • In this session we explore together the impact of a traumatic experience on our body and mind and help it find a resolution on the level of the nervous system.

Price: CHF 120.- (1 hour)

For more information about sessions, email Agata at: agata@craniotraining.com


Supervision for students and practitioners of craniosacral therapy (recognized by Cranio Suisse®)

  • Specific to the method of craniosacral therapy to explore issues around the work (method, case, relation, perception, communication).

Supervision for Advanced Qualifying Professional Exam for Complementary Therapist with Advanced Federal Diploma of Professional Education and Training - Professinal Organization Complementary Therapy (CT) - recognized Supervisor by Professional Organization Complementary Therapy CT

  • Individual and group supervision in the process of obtaining the Diploma as a Complementary Therapist with Advanced Federal Diploma of Professional Education and Training CT
  • Supervision as preparation for the essay, the case study and the oral and written exam for the Procedure for the Sector Certificate CT and for the Diploma as Complementary Therapist with Advanced Federal Diploma of Professional Education and Training.

Supervision can be done individually or in small groups (2-6 people).

Price: CHF 120.- / hour (individual supervision)
Price for group supervision depends on the participants

For more information about supervision, email Agata at: agata@craniotraining.com

Agata Holliger

Training Facilitator

Agata H. Holliger

Agata H. Holliger, BCST, SEP, OdA KT is a complementary therapist with a Swiss federal diploma. He has worked for more than 35 years with various body work techniques, including Deep-tissue Massage, Craniosacral and Visceral Balancing, in combination with Meditation. He has trained with Bhadrena C. Tschumi and Kavi Gemin since 1990 both in the biomechanic and biodynamic approaches of craniosacral therapy and in craniosacral pediatrics. He is a Complementary Therapist with Advanced Federal Diploma of Professional Education and Training from the Professional Organisation Complementary Therapy (CT), a Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist (BCST) and a Somatic Experiencing® Practitioner (SEP) in trauma resolution as well a SVEB (federal instructor for adults) and a supervisor for ICSB®, Cranio Suisse® and the Organization of the world of Labour - Complementary Therapy. He is a member of Cranio Suisse® and ACSI (Italy) and an assistant teacher at the International Craniosacral Balancing Institute®. Currently he is offering biodynamic craniosacral courses and trainings, as well as individual sessions and supervision in Switzerland, Europe, and Latin America.

For more information about courses, sessions and supervision, please email Agata at: agata@craniotraining.com

In association with the International Institute for Craniosacral Balancing® (www.craniosacral.eu) a member of the Swiss Association for Craniosacral Therapy, Cranio Suisse® (www.craniosuisse.ch) and of the International Affiliation of Biodynamic Craniosacral Trainings (www.biodynamic-craniosacral.org).

Registration and Course Information

Facilitator / Switzerland

Agàta Heinz Holliger, BCST; SEP; OdAKT
Astano/Tenero, Switzerland
tel: +41 91 608 24 05
cel: +41 78 792 01 00
email: agata@craniotraining.com


Marga Berr
Montpellier, France
tel: +33 04 67 55 00 99
cel: +33 6 08 37 31 28
email: marga.berr@orange.fr

Tampere / Finland

Merja Ontronen (Adv. Training), Chintana Seppä / Marita Ratia (Basic Training)
Tampere, Finland
cel: ‭+358 44 508 1181‬ (Merja)‬‬
cel: +358 45 163 3929‬‬ (Chintana) ‬
cel: +358 40 703 8206‬ (Marita) ‬
email: merja.nisonen@gmail.com
email: info@chintana.fi
email: marita.ratia@moyo.fim

Hämeenlinna / Finland

Anne Nuotio
Hämeenlinna, Finland
cel: ‭+358 44 508 1181‬‬‬
email: anne@annenuotio.net

Merigar East / Costanta / Romania

Merigar East Comunity
23 August near Costanta, Romania
phone: +40 755 421 389
yellow gakyil, Magdalena Ourecka
email: yellow.me@dzogchen.ro


Navanita Eszter Vianello
Budapest / Hungary
phone: +36 20 994 5804
email: esztermiklos@yahoo.it

Salvador / Brasil

Puja Regina Kinzer
Salvador (Bahia)
cel: + 55 71 9950 9944
email: reginakinzer@gmail.com

Araraquara / Brasil

Pavitra Cristiane Bittio
cel: +55 16 99181 4717
email: criscristy@gmail.com

Belo Horizonte / Brasil

Pragyana Malu Buzzollo
cel: +55 31 9120-4777
email: malupragyana@gmail.com


Shaily Feinberg
Pardes-Hana, Israel
cel: +972 543149914
email: tipulim@netvision.net.il


Helena Sandgren
Stockholm, Sweden
cel: +46 70-453 14 47
email: venua@gmail.com

Schedule 2025 / 2026

Craniosacral Biodynamic Trainings
in Brasil

São Paulo, M.G.

Introduction Biodynamic Craniosacral Training
em São Paulo
Info: Bodhi Gaya, São Paulo
phone: ‭+55 (11) 99388-1833‬
‭ phone: ‭‭+55 (11) 94548-3386‬‬
‭ email: azzalinigaya@gmail.com
Info: Geeta, Florianopolis
phone: +55 (51) 99107-1258
/> email: carolinasanchotene@yahoo.com

Belo Horizonte, M.G.

Introduction Biodynamic Craniosacral Training
em Belo Horizonte
Info: Pragyana Malu Buzollo, Belo Horizonte
phone: (31) 9120 4777
email: malubuzollo@gmail.com

Araraquara S.P.

Introduction Biodynamic Craniosacral Training
em Araraquara
Info: Pavitra Cristiane Bittio, Araraquara
phone: (16) 33 97 96 56
email: criscristy@gmail.com

Salvador (Bahia)

Introduction Biodynamic Craniosacral Training
em Salvador / Bahia (Brasil)
Info: Puja Regina Kinzer
phone: 91226460 (tim) - 99509944 (vivo)
email: craniosacralbahia@gmail.com

Curso avançado em Brasil


Curso de pós-graduação em biodinâmica craniosacral
com Agàta H.Holliger
Info: Pavitra Cristiane Bittio, Araraquara
phone: (16) 33 97 96 56
email: criscristy@gmail.com

Advanced Craniosacral biodynamic Course in France

New Advanced Craniosacral Biodynamic Courses

with Agàta H.Holliger and Marga Berr
Info: Marga Berr
phone: +33 04 67 55 00 99
email: marga.berr@orange.fr

New Biodynamic Craniosacral Training in Hungary

Introduction and Seminar 1

New Biodynamic Craniosacral Training
with Agàta H.Holliger
Introduction: A Taste of Craniosacral Biodynamics
October 20-22, 2025
Info: Navanita Eszter Vianello
phone: +36 20 994 5804
email: esztermiklos@yahoo.it

Advanced Biodynamic Craniosacral Course in Hungary

The Breath of Life of the Heart

Advanced Biodynamic Craniosacral Course
with Agàta H.Holliger
October 17-19, 2025
Info: Navanita Eszter Vianello
phone: +36 20 994 5804
email: esztermiklos@yahoo.it

New Craniosacral Biodynamic Training in Finland 2025/2027

Seminar 1

New Biodynamic Craniosacral Training
with Agàta H.Holliger
starting in 2025, January 15-19 (Seminar 1)
Info: Agàta H.Holliger / Chintana Seppä
phone: + 41 78 7920100 / + 358 45 163 3929‬
email: agata@craniotraining.com / info@chintana.fi


Biodynamic Craniosacral Training
with Anne Nuotio
open date
Info: Agàta H.Holliger / Anne Nuotio
phone: + 41 78 7920100 / + 358 44 366 7888
email: agata@craniotraining.com / anne@annenuotio.net

Biodynamic Craniosacral Training

Biodynamic Craniosacral Training
with Agàta H.Holliger
in progress 2024/2026
Info: Agàta H.Holliger / Anne Nuotio
phone: + 41 78 7920100 / + 358 44 366 7888
email: agata@craniotraining.com / anne@annenuotio.net

Postgraduate craniosacral biodynamic course in Finland

The Breath of Life - back to the Source

Postgraduate craniosacral biodynamic course
with Agàta H.Holliger
January 9-11, 2026
Info: Agàta H.Holliger / Biodynamic Craniosacral Association Finland
phone: + 41 78 7920100 / ‭+358
email: agata@craniotraining.com / info@bcst.fi

Individual sessions


contact Agàta H. Holliger
Astano / Ticino / Switzerland
cel: 41 (0)78 792 01 00
email: agata@craniotraining.com